
March 21, 2015

The Secret Power about wearing Lipstick (a woman’s best keep secret)

‘If you’re sad, add more Lipstick, and attack’ Coco Chanel

There is something about wearing Lipstick for a woman, she can feel happy, sexy more powerful and confident in herself. I know if I'm having a bad day I will look through my handbag and pick 1 out of 8 various shades (yes I carry 8 lipsticks in my bag as it is easier depending on what I'm wearing!) and apply. The results of that pick me up and feeling better is instant like having a cup of coffee in the morning. This is called the ‘Lipstick Effect’. The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing the economic crisis consumers became more willing to buy less costly luxury goods. Instead of buying expensive handbags, for example, people will buy expensive lipstick. It has been rumoured that lipstick sales doubled after the 9/11 attacks on the USA.

It’s also how people see you and treat you well. Studies suggest wearing lipstick can make women more attractive to men, and new research indicates red lipstick on female waitresses' boosted tips from male customers.

Harvard psychologists took a look at how cosmetic combinations impact the way people judge a woman’s attractiveness and personality, even unconsciously. And, along with the new survey results, the brand found each shade determines what kind of woman you’re telling the world you are!

Red rockers are deemed more creative and daring by others. They are passionate, sensuous, bold and full of energy. They're most confident and get attention fast. Red is the colour of love so for most men this becomes more attractive to them. Red shades also bring out the energetic side of you.. Get it, girls!

Pink lipstick wearers are perceived as more sociable and fun-loving. Pinkish shades are very common among lipsticks and there is probably no woman in the world who does not have a pink shade in her collection. This shade is sweet and very much girlie. Pink is always associated with 
cuteness. It is well understood that it is also a colour of soft natured women.

Plum puckers allow women to seem more independent and self-sufficient. Women who wear berry shades are on the more mellow side but still want to come across as strong. Plum is also the colour of power: Senior executives are more likely to own a shade of plum. Best to wear softer plums for job interviews or important meetings. Plums and brown colours are best worn in winter as darker shades work well in the cooler months.

Nude lips help women seem more warm and caring, which is why psychologists recommend trying a nude shade for that first date or a night out with good friends. Plus, you get the perks of the women who wear lipstick and are emphasising their natural colouring at the same time, they are also confident about their natural looks. They are easy going and calm.

So there you go Ladies you had a little secret power in your handbag all this time and you probably didn't know! 

Yours in Looking Fabulous!

BloggaBling xx

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